210 - 206 Wellman Crescent     Saskatoon, SK   S7T 0J1      Aesthetic Consultations & Inquiries - 306.665.5005        Other Inquiries - 306.384.8001



Brachioplasty (Arm Tuck)


Excess arm skin and fat, resulting from weight loss, can be removed by a brachioplasty.  This can result in an improvement in contour of the upper arm giving it a toned, trim look.  Sometimes a brachioplasty is combined with liposuction.  The incision is made from the elbow extending into an armpit.  This incision is hidden on the inner aspect of the upper arm so that it is not visible when the arms are by your side.



Surgery and Recovery


Brachioplasty is done on each upper arm under a general anesthetic lasting about 2 hours.  There are dissolvable sutures, paper tapes and a drain on each side.  The drains are removed usually in 7 days.  A wrap or a garment is worn for 6 weeks.  Strenuous upper body exercise and heavy lifting is to be avoided for 6 weeks.  Swimming pools and hot tubs should be avoided for 2 weeks.





Scar – The scars are usually pink and bruised for several weeks.  They will start to fade in a few months until they are quite unnoticeable.  Sometimes, the scars can be slightly raised, wide or sensitive.


Infection – The risk of infection is about 1% but it can be increased in smokers.  It may require antibiotics and/or more surgery.


Contour Abnormalities – Depending on your skin thickness and fat distribution, contour irregularities can be revealed.


Would healing difficulties – This can happen along the incision because of tension or poor blood supply.  Incision separation and wound healing difficulties are much more common in smokers.


Seroma – Due to the amount of dissection necessary to do the surgery, the body can produce yellowish fluid collections called seromas that can accumulate under the skin.  The drains are present to drain the seroma.  However, seromas can occasionally develop even after the drain is taken out.


Blood Clots – There is a rare risk of forming blood clots in the legs that can travel to the lungs.  This can be life threatening.  Dr. Chandran takes precautions to minimize the risks by applying stockings, calf pumps and possibly giving blood thinners.



Other rare complications may arise and they may be discussed during your consultation.


Dr. Chandran Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery     210 - 206 Wellman Crescent     Saskatoon, SK   S7T 0J1    Aesthetic Consultations & Inquiries - 306.665.5005   Other Inquiries - 306.384.8001    Contact Us